Green Build Consulting

We provide technical assistance to owners and building industry professionals throughout the homebuilding process-- from basic introductions to green building, to complex building science and home performance consultations.

Building Enclosure Evaluation

  1. Appropriate R-value for foundation, wall and roof assemblies

  2. Vapor profile assessment of walls and roof

  3. Proper combination of materials

Durability Assessment

  1. Ground water control

  2. Ice and water protection

  3. Condensation control

  4. Durable interiors/exteriors

  5. Drainage plane analysis

Plan Review

    1. Building enclosure evaluation

    2. Durability assessment

    3. Moisture management examination

    4. Energy efficiency analysis

    5. Green building program compliance

  1. (LEED, Energy Star, NAHB Green)

High Performance Details

  1. We have developed PDF and DWG (CAD) details that can be integrated into plans, job scope, and sub contractor checklists

  2. Energy Star Thermal Bypass/Enclosure details

  3. Window installation details

  4. Air sealing details

  5. HVAC sealing details

Quality Control

  1. Green building MGMT through G-Build High Performance Checklists 15 checklists to be used at every phase of construction.                             (Click the image to the left to view a checklist example)                  

Green Building Education

  1. Programs- Intro to LEED for Homes, NAHB Green, Energy Star, Indoor AirPlus, and WaterSense.

  2. Benefits- healthy, safe, durable, comfortable, energy/resource efficient, and environmentally responsible homes.

  3. Marketing Strategies- How to sell green building to clients.

Demonstrations/Educational Displays

Many materials and methods are different than those used in conventional home building. Thus, architects, contractors, and field personnel need to be educated on the specific methods/materials that will be used in the project . We have developed tools to assist with this education:

  1. Flashing/Housewrap Demo

Every penetration to the exterior in roofs AND walls should be properly flashed. We recommend Quickflash® flashing products for wall penetrations, and have developed a demonstration on how to integrate these flashings with housewrap.

  1. Fully Integrated Wall Assembly

Details the entire wall assembly-- OSB, Housewrap, Flashing, Insulated Sheathing, Rain screen, Cladding

  1. Window Installation Video

Moisture intrusion through window openings, is the one of the top failures in a home. We have a video detailing THE right way to install a window; how to properly flash the window, and how to integrate the housewrap with the window opening. By doing so, you achieve a highly effective weather resistant assembly.

Research Library

Continually adding to an extensive database of green building & design resources. We have spent 1,000s of hours researching green construction, better building, and building science.

Library includes:

  1. Building Science Reports

  2. Research Documents

  3. Pier Reviewed Articles

  4. Case Studies

  5. Sustainable Building Periodicals

  6. Home Building Books

  7. Green Building Checklists

  8. Green Building Guidelines

  1. Building Codes

  2. Manufactures’ Product Specifications

  3. Wall Assemblies

  4. Roof Assemblies

  5. Cad Drawings

  6. House Plans

  7. Critical-Area Details

  8. Product Literature/Brochures

Job Site Training

  1. Waste management and job site recycling

  2. Framer training- Thinking Structurally & Thermally (Energy Star Thermal Bypass compliance)

  3. HVAC installation- Mastic sealing, quality install techniques

  4. Insulation training- Energy Star Thermal Bypass compliance, air sealing, etc

  5. Drywall training- Airtight Drywall Approach

  6. Moisture management- housewrap install, Roof and Wall Flashings, Wall Interruptions (roof/wall intersections, deck ledgers) and kick out flashings (roof terminates mid wall)

  7. Window installation- integrating window with housewraps and window flashings

Solar Design

  1. Passive Solar- orientation & material selection

  2. Window selection & shading calculation

  3. Renewable energy systems & energy efficiency tax credits/rebates assistance

  4. Passive House design/build support